Wunderkammer Magazine
Wunderkammer was launched in early 2009 by a group of young writers and editors and was published with some regularity until 2013. The goal of the publication was to provide a space on the web for new longform essays, reviews, interviews, and videos. We wanted to engage arts, politics, culture, and religion and to do so in a thoughtful, charitable, and critical manner.
In the years that followed, Wunderkammer published pieces by writers who would go on to work at The Washington Post, Vox, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times, among others. It published interviews with renowned writers, poets, critics, and even theologians. We thought that this body of work deserved to be preserved and hopefully, even added to.
Wunderkammer now exists as a kind of living archive. We endeavor to publish interviews and the occasional essay, usually about one per month.